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Depending on EIB telegrams received, the shutter actuator switches up to four independent output
channels, one for each motor (4-channel operation). The number of output channels can also be reduced
to two so that up to two blind/shutter motors can be controlled per channel (2 x 2-channel operation).
The shutter actuator is equipped with a manual control feature permitting bus-independent operation of
the individual outputs in a permanent or temporary mode.
On reception of a storm warning, the actuator can, for instance, move the shutter into a predefined safety
position and lock them there. Each output can be independently parameterized for individual moving
AST-Type 01Hex 1Dez reserved
No. Brief description: Name: Version:
1 Shutter with safety monitoring Shutter 207401 0.1
Application note: 1. Shutter 207401
Executable from mask version: 1.1 onwards
Number of addresses (max): 32 dynamic table management Yes No
Number of assignments (max): 32 maximum length of table 64
Communication objects: 10
Object Name Function Type Flag
Mode of operation “4–channel operation”
0 Output 1 Step operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
1 Output 2 Step operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
2 Output 3 Step operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
3 Output 4 Step operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
4 Output 1 Move operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
5 Output 2 Move operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
6 Output 3 Move operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
7 Output 4 Move operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
Mode of operation “2 x 2-channel operation”
0 Output 1/3 Step operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
1 Output 2/4 Step operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
4 Output 1/3 Move operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
5 Output 2/4 Move operation 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
16 Safety 1 Safety 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
17 Safety 2 Safety 1 Bit C, W, (R*)
*: For objects marked (R), the current object status can be read out (set “R” flag).
Shutter actuator 4gang 6A 230V manual
Description of objects (dynamic object structure):
0 – 3 Step operation: 1-bit object for step operation of a shutter
4 – 7 Move operation: 1-bit object for move operation of a shutter
16 – 17 Safety: 1-bit object for reception of an alarm resp. safety message
(polarity can be parameterized)